Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Characters - Vagrant Vandals

So a couple of my regular homeless guys came in for some Arizona teas tonight. And as I'm ringing them up, for some unknown reason they begin telling me what I should to people if I have a problem with them. Examples included:

---Freezing a paintball pellet and shooting somebody with it (which I'm pretty sure would be lethal).

---Putting bologna and mustard on someone's car to eat away at the paint job.

---Pouring sugar in someone's gas tank.

---Taking a ping pong ball, cutting it in half, and filling one half with powdered bleach, then putting that in someone's gas tank. According to this source, it would create a nice little bang.

I think I'm going to start riding my bike to work again.


  1. Mythbusters proved that Bleach won't ignite gasoline (you would need to add a catylizing agent to that mix, that and that's assuming the ping-pong ball is bakalite plastic which hasn't been used in decades), and sugar in the fuel tank won't do much except *perhaps* clog up your fuel filter if you used like 10 pounds of it. Kosher salt would be more lethal at that rate since it actually oxidizes metal, but even then you wouldn't hardly notice it unless you ran it to fumes, and even THEN it's still doable to run the car.

    And...Mustard and cold cuts? Er.... well, I guess that's why they're homeless: Not terribly bright in enough respects to do much.

    And besides, riding a bike is good for the environment and will help reduce congestion. Or, you'll die of heat stroke in 5 minutes. Either way, it would reduce the number of commuters on the road. I would just suggest not doing it till October at least
